Saturday, March 13, 2010

Aireys Open Mic Festival_13 March, 2010

1 comment:

  1. Arieys Open Mic Festival is located in the small hub of Aries Inlet along the Great Ocean Road. I understand that is attracts all sorts of musio's and music lovers and always turns out to be a fun and creative day. In this performance that the Wild Moves clan will be doing we get to wear traditional Ghanaian outfits which at first glance I thought were giant colorful nappies but once we all got into costume I soon realised that the reason they were so big in the crouch department was so that people wearing them had the freedom to dance and move about without the worry of ripping their pants.

    We will be playing a total of 6 traditional rhythms in total taking about 25 minutes as well as a dancing performance by some of the ladies of the group, these girls will be multi-tasking between dance and playing music.......impressive !!! Jayden Hunt
